Make a million dollars in 90 minutes on the Internet?
Don't bet on it! Most "make money online" offers are pure B.S.
Only a handful of Internet marketing teachers are the real McCoy and can help you make a great living online. Let me show you who they are ... and where to find them.

Bob Bly is a full-time freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his writing, speaking, and consulting, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.
A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of 70 books including The Copywriter's Handbook (Henry Holt) and Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (NTC Business Books). He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer's Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob's writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He has also taught marketing at New York University.
Mr. Bly has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation's Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer. He was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual conference of the National Speakers Association.
After years of writing winning online copy that made his clients rich, Bob decided recently to launch his own Internet marketing business. In creating the "Internet Marketing Retirement Plan" in collaboration with Fred Gleeck, Bob took his online business from zero products and zero income to over $4,000 a week in net revenues. He did it in less than 6 months, and now is on target to make over $220,000 in annual online sales working just 20 minutes a week!
What they say about Bob Bly's copy and counsel"Good things are happening. I am getting a steady stream of Trial and Demo requests from the new site. These requestors are filling out the entire contact form. The site is simpler now, and I am still working to make it even more so. I appreciate your work."
Jim Romano, DataForceOne
"Thank you so much for your wonderful work. It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you on another project in the near future. You were always available, quick to answer questions and always exceeded my expectations. You truly are a gifted writer."
Aaron Griffith, The Griffith
"Bob, again thanks for the great copy. You consistently help us reach customers with compelling, actionable content, when others just can't!"
William McElleney, IBM
"The feedback keeps coming in and we all agree yours was a truly helpful, useful, insightful and effective workshop. You did a fantastic job inspiring the troops and we've already begun applying some of the key learnings."
Paul Connors, Copywriting Manager, A large financial services company in the Chicago area
"Bob...your creative work, patience, and partnership' with us at IT Group has virtually propelled us to another level of business professionalism and recognition. The response we've received from your letters has been nothing short of tremendous. We've not only derived significant business from these unforgettable mailings your efforts have sparked a creative energy within our ranks which will assist us in years to come. Thanks for your guidance and counsel."
John A. Fallone, IT Group International
"I hired Bob on his reputation, and found it is well-deserved. His fact-finding process in preparation to write our copy was both painless and enlightening. The final deliverables were right on time as promised, and better than expected which is saying a lot because my expectations were high. The first time I read his copy for our project, I literally got chills down my back he nailed it the first time. Wow."
Dennis Rosenberg, VP Marketing, VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc.
"Bob Bly did an amazing job with our company brochure. We are very impressed with his capacity to learn our product and to write copy so clearly and pointedly. Bob Bly is a great marketing investment."
Michael Manoussos, Manhole Barrier Systems
"Great white paper! I'm in favor of the entire submission. Please congratulate Bob on a great effort."
Michael C. Howard, Chasm Recovery
"Your Tax Loopholes ad looked great and is performing very well. Thanks for the strong copy."
Brian Kurtz, Boardroom
"You did an excellent job. It's been a pleasure working with you on this project."
Edward Brunet, Decatur Professional Development, LLC
"Thank you very, very much for doing such a great job on the ad. I was one of those folks who would read the ads in the DAK catalog by Drew Kaplan and this was as enjoyable for me as that."
Chris Pickering, MeritDirect
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"When I received the piece, I thought, I'll have to skim over it now and read it later. But, once I started, I couldn't stop! You did a GREAT job with Ken's story. I love it. It kept me reading. I'm VERY pleased with it."
Craig Simpson, Ken Roberts Company
"Bob, it's been a pleasure to work with you!!! Thank you so much! I'm very happy with the copy; I feel it will give me good results."
Alejandra P. Bigai, Romanicos Chocolate
"Thanks again for a great job."
Davis Ross, Ross Advertising
"I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent work you did for us. You are the man and I can't tell you how much I admired your approach and service. Although I've never worked with a copywriter before, I think you set the standard pretty high. I look forward to working with you again. You certainly have my vote for the next round!"
DP Jovine, Tycoon Research
"Great job I'm always amazed at how you can boil the complex down into simple terms. It flows very well."
-Kyle Hodgens, Capital Financial Media
"Thank you for the copy. I see why you're the expert. It's so simple, it's brilliant."
Sau Hyoung Pak, Big Machine
"The radio spots are very well done. I am very impressed with your work and copywriting expertise. We will be making the changes to the print ad as you suggested. In the future we may work with you to design a totally new print ad. Again, I'd like to say I'm impressed with your services. You were prompt, informative, and definitely know your stuff. We will be recommending you to others and doing repeat business."
Joshua Andrews, Health Solutions, LLC
"When people get to the promotion, the promotion has a good conversion rate. In one test, it actually had a 14% conversion to sale ... can't ask for much better than that."
David Galland, Casey Research
"I loved the ad! I don't see any reason for revision so I have already put through a check request for the balance I owe you on the ad. We are very excited about this one. I can't wait to see how it does. Thanks so much!"
Alice Wessendorf, Agora Health Book
"I show off the work that we did on lead generation for negotiation as well as the conversion program from HMCL as big successes."
Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
"Thank you for being very instrumental on making the launch of the wealth management book such a resounding success. It was so successful that we had to request more copies."
Ingrid Boney, II
"Thanks, Bob! You are awesome to work with."
Matt Morsa, Stock Secrets, Inc.
"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.
"I am happy to report to you that your piece out-produced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding
"This is an outstanding letter. Really nice work!"
Paul Szymanski, Harvard Business School Publishing
Dear Internet Marketer (or soon-to-be Internet Marketer):
Are you sick and tired of all the "get rich quick on the Internet" e-mails and promotions flooding your in-box and the World Wide Web?
On the one hand, you're probably looking for a way to make a lot of money in your spare time or a home-based business of your own.
Or maybe you want to master Internet marketing so you'll deliver greater value in your current job to your employer.
And you are quite correctly skeptical of some of the outrageous claims and hype-filled promotions these Internet marketing gurus are shoving down our throats.
Maybe you're also a little bit weary off all the hype -- and even a tad offended.
After all, in polite society, it was once considered uncouth to constantly tell everyone you meet how much money you make, how brilliant you are, or how rich you've become "practically overnight."
But for the Internet marketing gurus, no boast is too outrageous, no claim too hyperbolic:
- One promoter of "get rich quick on the Internet" routinely tells new clients that he is the best marketer in the world and his campaigns never fail. Yet I routinely get calls from his former clients complaining that they paid him a fortune for ideas and copy that just didn't work.
- Another is active on the speaking circuit, lecturing at Internet marketing boot camps and conferences across the country. But attend his workshop, and you won't get any actual content you can use. Instead, you'll be subjected to an hour-long, high-pressure "sales pitch" for his expensive Internet marketing course which sells for several thousand dollars.
- A third promises to help students build large lists and profitable businesses within a matter of months. But years after attending his workshops, his students are still stuck at ground zero no lists, no products, no revenues, and no online business.
The question, of course, is how can YOU separate con men and flim-flam artists from the real McCoys the few promoters who honestly and ethically make a handsome living online -- and can teach you to do the same?
Here's why this is YOUR problem....
During my nearly 30 years in direct marketing first in mail order, and today in Internet marketing I've observed a ratio that has already remained constant. I call the 90/10 rule.
The 90/10 rule says that 90% of all the schemers and promoters out there are full of baloney.
Their advertising ranges from, at best, outrageous hype and exaggeration to, at worst, outright lies and fraud.
On the other hand, 10% of the "make money on the Internet" promoters are the real McCoy.
They've largely done what they say they can do, which is make a small fortune selling products on the Internet.
And their courses and other teaching products, which range from cheap to expensive, do a great job of showing others how to make money online much the same as they have.
The problem, of course, is that you have no way of knowing who's trying to pull the wool over your eyes and who wants to help you succeed by offering you genuine value in their information products.
For this reason, thousands of innocent consumers are continually duped into buying overpriced courses, tapes, videos, and e-books.
If you've ever come home from an Internet marketing boot camp after spending that month's mortgage payment on the speaker's big package ... only to throw it away unopened a year or two later ... then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Well, a few months ago, I got the idea of researching and publishing a "consumer awareness guide" to Internet marketing gurus and teachers.
Its purpose: to guide you to the best places to learn Internet marketing online ... and prevent you from wasting your time and money on more useless crap and B.S.
Now, I've just released the first edition, and you can be among the first to preview it.
Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing helps you in two important ways....
First, by steering you clear of the shady operators in the world of Internet marketing.
And second, by giving you a guided tour of the best Internet marketing education programs on the market today.
Who do you trust in the Internet marketing world?
Between us, my co-author Scott McDougal and I know most of the "make money online" promoters personally ... or we know someone who does.
Now, in our new guide, Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing, we reveal which programs really can teach you to be successful in Internet marketing and which you should avoid like the plague.
This big e-book over 100 pages gives you 20 different "mini-reports" on the best Internet marketing coaches and teachers out there today.
By best, I mean these Internet marketing gurus:
- Have accomplished what they say they have accomplished ... and don't over-state their achievements or wealth.
- Offer products, programs, courses, and services that really work teaching you step by step, with specific how-to instructions every step of the way.
- Teach and explain in a clear, patient manner ... so as not to overwhelm you or make things too complicated to follow.
Each mini-report:
- Profiles a different Internet marketing guru and his qualifications.
- Describes his best program and what you will learn from it.
- Helps you assess whether owning his program or taking his course would be a worthwhile investment for you to make.
- Explains the pricing, terms, conditions, and guarantees.
- Gives complete contact information for ordering
The Best Places to learn Internet marketing online today
In our new e-book Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing, you will discover:
- A respected "think tank" of Internet Marketing that conducts cutting edge research on new ways to make more money faster and easier online ... and shares these tools with newbies and old pros alike. Page 3.
- The secret of "Taguchi testing." Meet the world's top expert and teacher in multi-variate testing for online marketing. His secrets can increase your landing page conversion rates and revenues 50% ... 100% ... even 200% and more. Page 39.
- The mild-mannered old-fashioned direct marketer who translated his direct response expertise into the most organized, proven, and teachable system for making money online available today. Page 26.
- The former engineer who became the world's foremost expert and teacher of pay-per-click advertising with Google Adwords. Page 11.
- The brilliant "Copy Doctor" who can help you go from an average or worse wordsmith to a copywriter whose landing pages and e-mails make money hand over fist for you. Page 65.
- How to write and design a free e-newsletter, rapidly build your opt-in list, and use your list and online newsletter to build your Internet fortune. Page 70 .
- The best teacher of "how to make money creating and selling information products online" in the business today. He currently has hundreds of products in 10 different vertical market niches and can teach his system to anyone. I personally make a six-figure annual income online "working" only a few hours a week by following his system. Page 82.
- How to bypass pop-up blockers and ensure that ALL your visitors see your pop-up ads no matter what filters they've installed. Page 87.
- An automated tool that lets you create your own landing pages and micro-sites without hiring a programmer or HTML Web site designer. Page 43.
- How to process PayPal payments online while blocking thieves and hackers from stealing your products. Corrects a huge error in PayPal code that leaves you open to Internet piracy. Page 61.
- 4 common myths about making money online. Plus: 12 cost-effective ways to drive tons of targeted traffic to your Web sites. Page 21.
- And much, much more....
Saves you time and money!
If you buy "how to make money on the Internet" instructional materials from the wrong people ... and the wrong places ... you could waste literally hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars.
But our consumer's guide to the best Internet marketing teachers and gurus won't cost you thousands or even hundreds of dollars to acquire.
That's because Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing is yours for only $29. That's less than I charge for just 4 minutes of my time.
And that's only what it costs if it saves you time and money, and helps you avoid wandering down the wrong road in your online business.
If it doesn't, the price is zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Because now you can....
Use it risk-free for 90 days
That's right. If you are not 100% satisfied with Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing for any reason ... or for no reason at all ... just let me know within 90 days.
I'll refund your $29 payment in full. No questions asked. And you can keep the e-book with my compliments. That way, you risk nothing.
In the next 6 to 18 months, you could, like me, be making thousands of dollars a week online ... with little or no direct labor on your part.
Or, you could be no further along toward your goal of being able to retire ... or escape your 9 to 5 job and enjoying great feeling of total financial independence that Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing can give you.
It's entirely up to you.
So what are you waiting for?
To order the Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Order the Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing today and get a FREE copy of my Special Report Online Marketing That Works (list price: $29).
In this 47-page guide to Internet marketing, you'll discover:
- How to break into your prospect's "e-mail inner circle." Page 6.
- 27 tips for writing e-mail marketing messages that work. Starts on page 33.
- How to write, publish, and distribute your own e-newsletter ... and do it in less than 2 hours a month. Page 9.
- The 10 steps to outrageous online marketing success. Page 3.
- How I built my e-list from 3,000 names to over 40,000 names in just 6 weeks for less than $1,000. Page 15.
- Converting leads to sales with the "online conversion" strategy. Page 27.
- Most common Web site mistakes and how to avoid them. Page 42.
- And more....
Best of all, this bonus report is yours to keep FREE even if you return the Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing for a refund!
To order the Best Places to Learn Internet Marketing ... and get your FREE Bonus Gift worth $29 ... just click below now: